Sunday, 26 May 2013

Top 7 iPhone Security Tips That Practically Works

Though Apple always ensure to fix the security flaws at its own end but it is really important for an iPhone user to remain cautious at his/her own end as well. Usually iPhone users do not pay any heed to their security as they believe that they are safe and sound.
But with all that web usage that one undergoes, your important information which includes your personal information lies open for hackers to hack; as they can always devise methods to intrude even the toughest of the security checks and levels.
Though, this time I am only presenting iPhone security tips but I would recommend Android users to keep a check on their phone's security as I used Samsung Galaxy S2 with t-mobile sim only value plan for almost a year.
So, here are some good enough iPhone security tips for the users:
1. Use Wi-Fi Safely
With your iPhone you can have the joy of connecting to the Wi-Fi anywhere. But keep in mind that the Wi-Fi facility that you use is secure. For this, you can use Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA). Yet another security check thatyou can have would be choosing as Settings -> Wi-Fi -> Ask to Join Networks.
2. Change Default Password of a JailbrokeniPhone
Those who have jailbroken their iPhones must follow this security tip. The root password must be changes form ‘alpine’ to some other secure password. If you do not follow this tip for a jailbroken iPhone then you let your security gates open for the hackers.
3. Using SSL to Access Emails
To access all your mails on the iPhone, you should use the SSL. See if you have this option enabled. To do so by following this path- settings>mail>select account>advanced>scroll down and set on the ‘use SSL’ option. This will secure your personal information and the account on iPhone.
4. Do Enable Passcode Lock
An auto lock just locks your iPhone screen but when you have a passcode lock for your iPhone then the security of the same is enhanced to the next level. Choose a set of your four-digit passcode by going to the general settings. This will help you to be safein case your iPhone is stolen or misplaced.
5. Use Safari for Web Browsing
Browsing web on your iPhone with the help of Safari will ensure your security. Most of the security features are turned on as soon as you opt for the browser. But to have a better and enhanced security you can choose for the advanced browsing settings. Block the unnecessary pop-ups by following the settings in Safari.
6. Device Usage Restrictions Must Be Set
By setting the device usage restrictions on your iPhone you check that no explicit content is shown on your iPhone; in a way this helps you to stay away from tainted websites. Also, the apps are not downloadedonto your iPhone unless you provide with a passcode.
7. Stay Updated With the iOS and Other Security Updates
Always keep yourself updated on the new security updates and other iOS updates. The current updates are generally more upgraded on the security level as compared to their previous versions. This is true with both general apps and the security apps.

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